New Zealand Manuka Honey Story | Infographics

 Who discovered Manuka honey?

New Zealand Manuka Honey Story Infographics

There were 3 stages to the discovery of
Manuka honey from New Zealand:

       The tree was discovered by the first settlers of New Zealand, the Maori

       The honey was discovered by Mary Bumby, an English beekeeper

       The antibacterial properties of the honey were confirmed by Peter Molan in 1980


Why is Manuka honey famous?

       Its antibacterial properties

       Its antimicrobial properties

       Its internal and external effectiveness

     Its particular taste

Is Manuka honey a myth?

No, Manuka honey from New Zealand has many different uses, including:

     As a natural, potent wound healer

     As eczema and acne treatment

     As toothpaste/mouthwash

     As a tea sweetener or sweet treat

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