Top common problems and Winter Health Tips

Winter is officially here in full swing, and this means that many are also dealing with its common problems.  Many people out there simply “survive” throughout the winter and then get their life back together for spring, summer, and autumn.  But what if you could actually enjoy winter, too?  Sure, the cold, rain, and/or snow may not be your thing, but that winter doesn’t have to be a time of misery, either!  Here are some tips for how to help you enjoy a productive, healthy, and -- dare we say it -- enjoyable winter season!

Winter Health Tips

Is wintertime bad for your health?

Ignoring the actual winter weather moment, it’s essential to carefully look at winter and its true potential for creating problems.  Like summer, it is a harsh season in many climates that is unforgiving and can be bad for your health.  Our bodies crave sustaining foods ripe with sugar and warmth, which is often one of the reasons why many people will reach for New Zealand Manuka honey on a cold morning or a blustery evening. 

Acknowledging that the actual wintertime can be a problem and bad for your health is vital to correctly addressing the problem.  Let’s take a look at those real problems and equally real solutions.

What are some of the most common winter problems?

Whether you live in a rainy or snowy climate in the wintertime, here are some of the most common health problems associated with this season.

     Asthma and respiratory conditions: Those with asthma or similar respiratory issues (including allergies) will find winter especially bad.  We all spend more time indoors, leading to more pet dander and dust.  As well, most don’t open their windows, so air gets stale and dry even with an HVAC running.  Combine that with potentially cold and dry air outside, and it’s hard on those with pre-existing conditions.

     The flu: The flu season is especially rampant in the winter. Technically, it exists year-round and can be a common problem at any point.  However, the cold and miserable weather can cause people to spend more time inside closed quarters with heating and other centralized systems running.

     Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): This is a particular vein of depression related to the changing of the seasons.  It happens going into the winter season for most, but it can happen coming out of winter, too.  While the exact cause remains unknown, most determine that it’s to do with a drop in serotonin due to the decrease in sunlight attributed with this season.

     Dry skin and brittle hair: Most of us deal with skin that just feels like it’s one size too small!  From our faces to our hands and feet and everything in between -- it’s like their hydration source just suddenly disappears.  Combine that with limp and lackluster hair, and it’s a frustrating and full-body problem! 

     Weight gain: Many find that they pack on the pounds during the winter months. Whether it’s the aftermath of a delicious holiday season, a more sedentary lifestyle due to being indoors, or the need for comfort food, it happens to most people even with the best intentions.  However, this weight gain can lead to health problems following you long after winter has passed!

How to beat winter’s common problems

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