How Can the Right Dietary Supplements Help Prevent Aging?

What are some of the physical components of aging?

When you think of anti-aging, you probably think of serums and other topical products. Since aging is a biological process, though, and can have both physical and cosmetic effects, you’ll find that support is going beyond skin-deep -- literally. Anti-aging can take on the form of many issues, including those with..

  Joints and mobility: Everyone feels it a little bit differently. For some, it’s longer soreness after a workout that may lead them to skip a run the next day. Others feel it more in morning stiffness when they get up, both in their joints and muscles. Those who have repetitive movements such as typing or bending may also notice that the fatigue or pain sets in much faster and lasts longer. Mobility and joint concerns are common chronic problems as we age.

  Dry, unhealthy skin: Our body naturally reduces producing collagen from the young age of 25. This can take the form of fine lines and softness to the skin on the face that leads to premature aging. It also can dry the skin out and make for a longer recovery time after a cut or wound.

  Thinning hair: Everyone out there is hunting to find the miracle cure for hair regrowth. While hair loss tends to impact men before women, both will deal with thinning hair that is brittle, prone to breakage, and simply thinning out with every shampoo. It is one of the most apparent signs of aging, but it can happen in ages as young as the 20s.

Also Read: How Does Collagen Protein Help Injury Recovery?

